On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Mark Hammond wrote:
Why don't we simply move forward with the assumption that PythonWin and Scintilla will be updated?
Done :-)
However, I think dropping it now _is_ a little heavy handed. I decided to do a wider search and found a few in, eg, Sam Rushings calldll based ODBC package.
Personally, I would much prefer a warning now, and drop it later. _Then_ we can say we have made enough noise about it. It would only be 2 years ago that I became aware that this "feature" of append was not a feature at all - up until then I used it purposely, and habits are sometimes hard to change :-)
I agree with mark. Why the sudden rush?? It seems to me to be unfair to make such a change - one that will break peoples code - without advanced warning, which typically is handled by a deprecation period. There *are* going to be people who won't be informed of the change in the short span of less than a single release. Just because it won't cause you pain isn't a good reason to disregard the pain of those that will suffer, particularly when you can do something relatively low-cost to avoid it. Ken klm@digicool.com