David Ascher wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Vladimir Marangozov wrote:
Saltzer J., "Naming and Binding of Objects", in Bayer R., "Operating Systems - An Advanced Course", pp. 99-208, LNCS 60, 1978.
It's not available online (it was written on a typewriter), so I'd be happy to send a hard copy of it to anyone who raises a hand in private mail (or cannot find LNCS 60).
I then asked him for a copy stating:
If you send it to me, I can OCR it and make it available online.
and he generously sent it to me. The problem is that I hadn't noticed the length of the manuscript. It's over a hundred pages, and the copy is nth generation, making OCR pretty much useless.
If I find some spare time, I'll do it. This paper is a classic in Comp Sci that we kindly invite our students to read. In research language, we say that Saltzer has made "the turn around the clock" regarding this issue, putting a period on it (i.e. there's hardly something more to say). It's interesting, however, to see how the theory was applied on Python and to establish the fairly easy analogy of the binding model. This analogy proves the good design choices Guido has made, but also reveals some weaknesses or the incompleteness of the current implementation. I hope to discuss this for Python 2 in due time and perhaps settle on a compromise which trades genericity for performance. The naming/binding problem drives the whole implementation logic in Python (objects, classes, scopes, etc.).
So, if anyone wants a copy, I can make and send copies (which would make most sense for folks in the US -- sending things from France isn't cheap).
I have 2 more copies lying around, ready to be sent. Give me an adress. The first 2 adresses win a hard copy, no matter the location (don't worry about mail costs.) -- Vladimir MARANGOZOV | Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr http://sirac.inrialpes.fr/~marangoz | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252