On Mon, 1 Oct 2012 01:00:42 +0200 (CEST)[...]
brett.cannon <python-checkins@python.org> wrote:
> http://hg.python.org/benchmarks/rev/e9f911fd9bd3
> changeset: 184:e9f911fd9bd3
> user: Brett Cannon <brett@python.org>
> date: Sun Sep 30 19:00:32 2012 -0400
> summary:
> Force map to a list to guarantee the calculations are performed under
> Python 3.
> def eval_times_u(func, u):Ugh, can't you use a list comprehension instead? The code would be much
> - return map(func, ((i,u) for i in xrange(len(list(u)))))
> + return list(imap(func, ((i,u) for i in xrange(len(list(u))))))
more idiomatic.