I see plenty of envvars with similarly long names at https://docs.python.org/3/using/cmdline.html . So your initial name "PYTHONWARNDEFAULTENCODING" LGTM. The first intuitive choice is often the right one ('cuz it's, well, intuitive). On 15.02.2021 8:28, Inada Naoki wrote:
I am updating PEP 597 to include discussions in the thread. Before finishing the PEP, I need to decide the option name.
I used PYTHONWARNDEFAULTENCODING (envvar name) / warn_default_encoding (-X option and sys.flags name) before, but it seems too long and hard to type, easy to misspell.
Currently, I use PYTHONWARNENCODING / warn_encoding, but it is not so explicit.
Which name is the best balance between explicitness and readability?
* PYTHONWARNENCODING / warn_ecoding * PYTHONWARNOMITENCODING / warn_omit_encoding * PYTHONWARNDEFAULTENCODING / warn_default_encoding * Anything else
-- Regards, Ivan