On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 11:17 AM Sebastian Berg <sebastian@sipsolutions.net> wrote:
Maybe one of the frustrating points about this criticism is that it does not belong in this PEP. And that is actually true! I wholeheartedly agree that it doesn't really belong in this PEP itself.
*But* the existence of a document detailing the "state and vision for subinterpreters" that includes these points is probably a prerequisite for this PEP. And this document must be linked prominently from the PEP.
So the suggestion should maybe not be to discuss it in the PEP, but to to write it either in the documentation on subinterpreters or as an informational PEP. Maybe such document already exists, but then it is not linked prominently enough probably.
That is an excellent point. It would definitely help to have more clarity about the feature (subinterpreters). I'll look into what makes the most sense. I've sure Victor has already effectively written something like this. :) -eric