Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Charles wrote:
On the other hand it is not clear to me why "capwords" and "zfill" did not become methods of string objects.
fwiw, they were both present in my original unicode implementation:
from unicode import unicode a = unicode("hello world") a.capwords() 'Hello World' a.zfill(20) '000000000hello world'
.zfill() is implemented for both strings and Unicode, .capwords() only for Unicode. Both are disabled, though. I talked with Guido about these methods and we decided to leave those two methods disabled in the implementation. They just don't provide much extra generally useful functionality. s.capwords() can be emulated with ' '.join(s.capitalize().split()), BTW. -- Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Company: http://www.egenix.com/ Consulting: http://www.lemburg.com/ Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/