I’ve just published the September steering council update, also included below: https://github.com/python/steering-council/blob/main/updates/2021-09-steerin... Just as a reminder, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us or open an issue in the SC repo: https://github.com/python/steering-council *September 6* - There was no SC meeting on September 6 as it was a USA/Canada holiday (Labor Day). *September 13* - The Steering Council met with Łukasz, the Developer-in-Residence. The group discussed dealing with review requests and folks not giving Łukasz enough time to review before things are merged. - The group briefly discussed Ezio's progress as the PM for the GitHub Issues migration and that the group would meet with Ezio on the 20th of Sept. - The SC discussed the Exception Groups PEP & Nathaniel's counter-proposal. The group decided that more time was needed so they will discuss this more at their Sept 20th meeting. *September 20* - The Steering Council met with Ezio and got an update on his progress with the migration. The group and Ezio agreed that by Oct 1 the plan is to have a test repo with a subset of issues in it for a small group to test and provide feedback on. - The Steering Council discussed [PEP 654]( https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0654/)( Exception Groups and except*) and after some extensive deliberation, the group decided to accept. - Thomas sent out the notification. - The Steering Council discussed [PEP 649]( https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0649/)( Deferred Evaluation Of Annotations Using Descriptors) by Larry Hastings. The group decided that we have to tie the typing language to the Python language. The group discussed the potential of an informational PEP from the SC. - Pablo informed the SC that there will be a release party on Twitch for 3.10 co-organized with the people from the Python discord server. *September 27* - Steering Council met with the Developer-in-Residence for their every- other- week check-in. The group discussed what Łukasz is working on, the status of typing PEPs and CPython survey questions for the Python Developer Survey. - The SC discussed [PEP 649]( https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0649/)(Deferred Evaluation Of Annotations Using Descriptors) by Larry Hastings and decided a broader discussion needed to happen with python-dev. The group is inclined to accept 649 but there is no clear path on how to handle the transition so community discussion is needed. Regards from rainy London, Pablo Galindo Salgado