"Fred L. Drake, Jr." <fdrake@acm.org> wrote,
Greg Ewing writes:
class Foo:
def ftang(class c, x, y, z); ...
I like this syntax better that the others. While it requires that a single namespace is used for class and normal methods, I think that is a good thing -- we don't *want* overlapping sets of names!
But... we have overlaping names! __init__ is just one example. Further, that only works for methods. How should class attributes be distinguished? Perhaps you dont want them. Should a decision be made to go down this road, a big choice lies ahead. Are class objects "special" or are they simply instances of a different class? Because I didnt want to make a whole pile of decisions regarding the "specialness" of class objects, I chose to make the one decision that class object's only distinction from other objects is that they are instances of a different class. This is, afterall, how all objects are distinguished. -- Donald Beaudry Ab Initio Software Corp. 201 Spring Street donb@init.com Lexington, MA 02421 ...Will hack for sushi...