Russell E. Owen wrote:
I submitted patch 764217 awhile ago and it got some intial interest, but after applying the requested changes I've not heard anything for quite awhile.
The summary of the patch is: kFont.Font(name=xxx) crashes if a font by the specified name already exists. This is a problem for several reasons, the main one being that it makes life really tough if you want to create a new tkFont.Font object for a given Tcl named font.
Is there anything I can do to get this moving again? I don't want to be pushy, but I was certainly hoping to get it into Python 2.4.
Nothing beyond what you have done; send an email here. Now you just need to hope that it catches a developer's eye and motivates them enough to look over the patch and apply it (unfortunately I am not that developer; I don't know anything about Tkinter). -Brett