i commited mkpydoc to docutils/sandbox/pydoc-writer with some small modifications - Patch for python 2.3. - Filenames from command line. - Guard definition of ``locallinewidth`` against redefinition. - latex needs definition of ``locallinewidth``. 1. there isnt a copyright in mkpydoc.py, could everybody involved agree on PD so it can go into docutils. 2. edloper/docpy is another possibility 3. as is http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman/rstpythonlatex_intro.html 4. AND * An unpatched latex2html is unable to handle ``longtable`` options. Maybe remove the ``[c]`` and put the longtable into a center environment, but python doc uses ``tablei`` and `` longtablei``. * (th) the table in the ctypes tutorial has a totally different look than the other tables in the docs. Compare `ctypes <http://docs.python.org/dev/lib/ctypes-simple-data-types.html>`_ with `std pydoc <http://docs.python.org/dev/lib/module-struct.html>`__ . see previous * * (th) feature request: it would be very nice if it were possible to generate links into the index for functions and types from the rest sources. * Document ``markup.py`` and ``missing.py``. * Title, author, ... are hardcoded. and i am on workshop next week, so please be patient and i dont know if this will ever work. -- contributions welcome --- d.goodger