"Fred" == Fred L Drake, Jr <fdrake@beopen.com> writes:
Fred> Barry may have access to an SMP Sparc machine; if so, we'll Fred> be checking it out there.
I thought I did, but nope, it's a single processor. What about SF?
In parallel, could someone summarize the symptoms? Exactly how does it fail? Does it fail the same way across all platforms on which it does fail? Does it fail every time on all platforms on which it fails, or fail only some of the time on all platforms on which it fails, or fails some of the time on some of the platforms on which it fails but fails all of the time on the rest of the platforms on which it fails <wink>? If there exists a platform on which it fails but it doesn't fail every time on that platform, that would be strong evidence of a timing hole. Those usually require <gasp!> thought to identify and repair. I'll voluteer to eyeball the code and do some thinking, but not unless the symptoms suggest that's worthwhile. ignorantly y'rs - tim