David and his Google Summer of Code student, Shashwat Anand. You can read Shashwat's weekly progress updates at http://l0nwlf.in/ or subscribe to http://twitter.com/l0nwlf for more micro updates. We have more than 30 paid students working on Python 3 tasks this year, most of them participating under the PSF umbrella but also a few with 3rd party projects such as Mercurial porting those various packages to Py3. Given all this "on the horizon" work, I think the Py3 package situation will look a lot brighter by Python 3.2's release. On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Steve Holden <steve@holdenweb.com> wrote:
Lest the readership think that the PSF is unaware of this issue, allow me to point out that we have already partially funded this effort, and are still offering R. David Murray some further matching funds if he can raise sponsorship to complete the effort (on which he has made a very promising start).
We are also attempting to enable tax-deductible fund raising to increase the likelihood of David's finding support.