Alex Martelli strung bits together to say:
On Monday 20 October 2003 06:44 am, Greg Ewing wrote: ...
So, taking the original accumulator display idea, and incorporating some of the ideas that have come up along the way, such as getting rid of the square brackets, how about
sum of x*x for x in xvalues average of g for g in grades maximum of f(x, y) for x in xrange for y in yrange top(10) of humour(joke) for joke in comedy
I'm speechless.
[later, having recovered speech] IF (big if) we could pull THAT off, it WOULD be well worth making 'of' a keyword (and thus requiring a "from __future__ import"). It's SO beautiful, SO pythonic, the only risk I can see is that we'd have newbie people coding: sum of the_values rather than: sum(the_values) or: sum of x for x in the_values
Except, if it was defined such that you wrote: sum of [x*x for x in the_values] then: sum of the_values would actually be a valid expression, and Greg's examples would become: sum of xvalues average of grades maximum of [f(x, y) for x in xrange for y in yrange] top(10) of [humour(joke) for joke in comedy] Either way, that's some seriously pretty executable psuedocode he has happening! And a magic method "__of__" that takes a list as an argument might be enough to do the trick, too. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | Brisbane, Australia ICQ#: 68854767 | ncoghlan@email.com Mobile: 0409 573 268 | http://www.talkinboutstuff.net "Let go your prejudices, lest they limit your thoughts and actions."