On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 01:44:00 -0600, Kerrick Staley <mail@kerrickstaley.com> wrote:
* All new code that needs to invoke the Python interpreter should not specify "python", but rather should specify either "python2" or "python3" (or the more specific "python2.X" and "python3.X" versions; see the Notes). This distinction should be made in shebangs, when invoking from a shell script, when invoking via the system() call, or when invoking in any other context.
If one target for this PEP is script implementors who hadn't thought about this issue before, it is probably worth mentioning sys.executable somewhere (a footnote?). But another issue here (and this speaks against the proposal of not shipping a /usr/bin/python link) is that it is quite possible to write a script that will run on either python2 or python3. -- R. David Murray www.bitdance.com