Sorry for the slow response.

Timedelta division is quite a nice solution to the problem. However, since we're maintaining a python version agnostic library at least until 2020, we need a solution that works in python 2 as well.

For the moment, we've left the code as in the original snippet.

Richard Belleville

On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:56 PM Chris Barker <> wrote:
Did we ever hear back from the OP as to whether they were using py2 or 3?

If they were unable to find timedelta division in py3 -- that's a pretty good case that we need something else.

The OP:
On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 9:10 PM Richard Belleville via Python-Dev <> wrote:
In a recent code review, the following snippet was called out as reinventing the


def _timedelta_to_microseconds(delta):
  return int(delta.total_seconds() * _MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND)

The reviewer thought that there must already exist a standard library function
that fulfills this functionality. After we had both satisfied ourselves that we
hadn't simply missed something in the documentation, we decided that we had
better raise the issue with a wider audience.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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