Remove __div__ (Ian, Jason, Michael, Oleg)
This is one of those where everyone (me too) says "I don't care either way." If that is so, then I see no reason to change it unless someone can show a scenario in which it hurts readability. Plus, a few people have said that they like the shortcut.
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Well, if you include the much larger discussion on python-list, people (including me) have said that removing __div__ is a good idea. If it's included in the PEP, please at least include a justification and cover the problems with it. The vast majority of people (at least at the time) were either +0 or -0, not +1. +0's are not justification for including something. Against it: * Zen: Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Readability counts. There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. * Not every platform that Python supports has '/' as the path separator. Windows, a pretty major one, has '\'. I have no idea what various portable devices use, but there's a reasonable chance it's not '/'. * It's being used to mean "join", which is the exact opposite of /'s other meaning ("divide"). * Python's not Perl. We like using functions and not symbols.
Renaming methods because of PEP 8 (Gustavo, Ian, Jason)
I'm personally not keen on that. I like most of the names as they are. abspath(), joinpath(), realpath() and splitall() looks so much better than abs_path(), join_path(), real_path() and split_all() in my eyes. If someone like the underscores I'll add it to Open Issues.
+1 to following PEP 8. These aren't built-ins, it's a library module. In addition to the PEP, underscores make it much easier to read, especially for those for whom English is not their first language. =Tony.Meyer