Am 05.01.2011 12:48, schrieb yeswanth:
Hello everyone, My name is Yeswanth . I am doing my third year Btech in Computer Science in India. My desire is to get into gsoc 2011 . I have been looking over the projects of last year to see where I would fit in. And I found python to be interesting, something I can contribute. I dont know if Python Software Foundation will apply for Gsoc this year, I just hope it will . So here I am , planning to make an entry in contributing to this open source project. I can just program in Python ,never contributed anything to it , atleast of now. So I have read the development links provided in the site.
Can anyone suggest me some areas where I can actually start with developing for this proje
PSF GSoC applicants will be asked to submit a patch to the Python(ic) project they are going to contribute to, as a proof that they actually know how to write code. So I suggest you browse through the bug tracker, find an open issue with no patch, and write a patch. You may want to focus on issues marked as "easy". Regards, Martin