Sasha Kacanski writes:
Why you don't simplify with api A,B,C and forth and then follows explanation ofr what is stable, unstable, semi... So forth....
This is exactly what they're hammering out. It's not easy for several reasons, chief of which is that in each case the boundary is a matter of opinion as to the balance among what is most convenient for the developers of Python itself, the developers of separately distributed C/C++ modules, and for existing modules that were developed before the divisions were set and would need to either be changed or to risk API incompatibility with future versions of Python. The nomenclature also matters, as individual programmers have various ideas about the meaning of terms like "stable", and we want as much agreement as possible that the "stable API" is "stable enough", and so on. If you have specific ideas about which APIs belong where, feel free to bring them forward. But this is not a process that should be rushed nor would anyone benefit from pushing it forward more quickly.