Barry Warsaw wrote:
On Nov 12, 2009, at 8:06 AM, Jesse Noller wrote:
Frankly, I agree with him. As implemented, I *and others* think this is broken. I've taken the stance of not publishing things to PyPi until A> I find the time to contribute to make it better or B> It changes.
That's distressing. For better or worse PyPI is the central repository of 3rd party packages. It should be easy, desirable, fun and socially encouraged to get your packages there.
I think his point is that a new book announcement servive is different from a book review and rating service. And that mixing the two is 'socially discouraging'. I do not know what the answer is
I personally think a ratings system can be useful, but you should be able to opt-out of it if you want. Or just write such awesome software that the bogus bad reviews will be buried by an avalanche of kudos.