Phillip J. Eby wrote:
Was the question of mingw32-built extensions ever resolved? That is, will we be able to build extensions for the standard Windows Python using the distutils' "mingw32" compiler, as is possible with Python 2.2?
I don't know; I don't use mingw32. OTOH, I cannot see what the problem might be - except that you will have to link with msvcr71.dll at the end, not with msvcrt40.dll.
If this hasn't been resolved, and somebody can send me a binary for a .NET-built Python, I'll be happy to test.
Sure: Please try my installer at http://www.dcl.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/home/loewis/python2.4.0.msi Notice that this doesn't include msvcr71.dll, which I could provide in private. It also does not include msvcr71.lib - I have no clue how you would get a copy of that. But then, somehow, msvcrt40.lib (or is it msvcrt40.a) must have gotten into mingw32 also. Regards, Martin