On Tue, Jun 2, 2020, 9:41 AM Steve Dower
As is, I use islice() or a break inside a loop, but that hypothetical parameter might be a helpful convenience.
Besides, "zip(iter1, iter2, range(5))" is the same length once you include the extra unpack, plus it works well with earlier versions.
Oh yeah. I've done that too. For whatever reason, I think I used to use the extra range, and nowadays I'm more likely to use islice(). I have absolutely no argument why one style or the other is better, just my habit has changed. In any case, I'm not advocating for truncate=5 behavior. Merely agreeing that the word truncate is not less ambiguous than the word strict. That's not even saying I prefer strict to truncate; itertools.zip_strict() remains my preference. But I could learn either parameter choice easily enough.