On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 07:01:47PM +0200, Jesus Cea wrote: -> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- -> Hash: SHA1 -> -> C. Titus Brown wrote: -> > Since I/we want to distribute pygr to end-users, this is really not a -> > pleasant prospect. Also often the installation of Python itself goes -> > much more smoothly than the installation of separately compiled binary -> > packages, for all the obvious reasons (compiler/OS versions, lib -> > versions, etc. etc.) -> -> I agree. I can check the library with Solaris 10 and several flavors of -> Linux, but I'm particularly worried about Windows support. I'm unable to -> provide precompiled libs, and 99.999% of windows users don't know what a -> "compiler thing" is, let alone being able to compile anything by themselves. I believe I might be able to help you with this. More off-list, in a few weeks; if anyone else needs full Windoze access, Watch This Space, as they say. (Yes, I know access is not enough -- you really want someone to be paying attention on Windows, too. I'm working on a project or two there; access to large quantities of talented students is opening up some ideas :) --titus -- C. Titus Brown, ctb@msu.edu