2011/9/1 Mark Shannon <mark@hotpy.org>
Cesare Di Mauro wrote:
2011/9/1 Ned Batchelder <ned@nedbatchelder.com <mailto:ned@nedbatchelder.com>>

   When the switchover to the new instruction format happens, what
   happens to sys.settrace() tracing?  Will it report the same sequence
   of line numbers?  For a small but important class of program
   executions, this is more important than speed.


A simple solution: when tracing is enabled, the new instruction format will never be executed (and information tracking disabled as well).

What happens if tracing is enabled *during* the execution of the new instruction format?
Some sort of deoptimisation will be required in order to recover the correct VM state.


Sure. I don't think that the regular ceval.c loop will be "dropped" when executing the new instruction format, so we can "intercept" a change like this using the "why" variable, for example, or something similar that is normally used to break the regular loop execution.

Anyway, we need to take a look at the code.
