On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Random832 <random832@fastmail.com> wrote:

It means that the so-called "bash" on windows 10 is actually a full
Ubuntu system (running on, AIUI, a simulation of Linux kernel system
calls), which will presumably also have its own python installation and
use a UTF-8 locale, rather than one that runs "natively" on win32.

yes -- it looks like one could run a "linux" build of python under the whole subsystem, which would presumably "look" jsu tlike LInux to Python.

If it's possible for a win32 version of python to call it as a

But this is what I was referring too -- it may be way to early to know what the capabilities or implications are, but I'm hoping that "regular" windows programs can interact with the subsystem. So if we're making changes now, it would be nice to consider it if we can.
Incidentally, according to
https://github.com/Microsoft/BashOnWindows/issues/2, pipes didn't work
at all between WSL processes and Win32 processes until two weeks ago, so
it's clear that these features are still evolving.

so it may indeed be way to early -- but if they DO work now -- pretty cool!




Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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