Thanks Serhiy,

I've made the few additional changes you noted in the PR.  I took out my attempt with path_t.  However, here is why I think argument clinic (or something else?!) is actually intercepting the attempted call:

With my temporary debugging, I have this function in Modules/_gdbmmodule.c:

[clinic start generated code]*/

static PyObject *
dbmopen_impl(PyObject *module, PyObject *filename, const char *flags,
             int mode)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=9527750f5df90764 input=812b7d74399ceb0e]*/
    PyObject_Print(filename, stdout, 0);
    printf(" from _gdbmmodule.c (XXX)\n");
    /* ... rest of function ...*/

And I have a very simplified test script:

import _gdbm
import sys
from pathlib import Path

path = '/tmp/tmp.db'

db =, 'c')
print("Opened with string path")

db =, 'c')
print("Opened with path-like")

The output of running this is:

3.11.0a0 (heads/bpo-45133-dirty:0376feb030, Sep  8 2021, 00:39:39) [GCC 10.3.0]
'/tmp/tmp.db' from _gdbmmodule.c (XXX)
Opened with string path
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dmertz/tmp/", line 12, in <module>
    db =, 'c')
TypeError: open() argument 1 must be str, not PosixPath

So before I get to the first line of the function, the TypeError is already occurring when passed a PosixPath.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 3:49 AM Serhiy Storchaka <> wrote:
08.09.21 08:19, David Mertz, Ph.D. пише:
> I attempted to do this today, as my first actual contribution to CPython
> itself.  I think the prior attempt went down a wrong path, which is why
> neither PR could actually pass tests.
> I've been looking at `posixmodule.c` for comparison, specifically.

The code in posixmodule.c is a bad example, because it is too general
and supports many options. It gives the patch as char* and wchat_t* (on
Windows), supports file descriptors and None, and format error messages
for functions supporting multiple types. But if you only need a path as
char*, you can just use PyUnicode_FSConverter().

There is an existing PR for this issue. It looks correct in general, but
I left some comments.

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