Hi Larry, On 4/14/21, 1:56 PM, "Larry Hastings" <larry@midwinter.com on behalf of larry@hastings.org> wrote:
My plan was to post it here and see what the response was first. Back in January, when I posted the first draft, I got some very useful feedback that resulted in some dramatic changes. This time around, so far, nobody has suggested even minor changes. Folks have just expressed their opinions about it (which is fine).
This is not true. I suggested yesterday (in https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/DSZFE7XT... ) that PEP 649 could avoid making life worse for users of type annotations (relative to PEP 563) if it replaced runtime-undefined names with forward reference markers, as implemented in https://github.com/larryhastings/co_annotations/pull/3 Perhaps you've chosen to ignore the suggestion, but that's not the same as nobody suggesting any changes ;) Carl