On Mar 02, 2012, at 03:13 PM, Chris McDonough wrote:
FWIW, I think this issue's webness may be overestimated. There happens to be lots and lots of existing UI code which contains complex interactions between unicode literals and nonliterals in web apps, but there's also likely lots of nonweb code that has the same issue. If e.g. wxPython had already been ported, I think you'd be hearing the same sorts of things from folks that had investments in existing Python-2-compatible code when trying to port stuff to Py3 (at least if they wanted to run on both Python 2 and Python 3 within the same codebase).
Okay, I just want to be very careful about the message we're sending here, because I think many libraries and applications will work fine with the facilities available in today's stable releases, i.e. unicode_literals and b-prefixes. For these, there's no need to define "native strings", nor do they require language constructs above what's already available. -Barry