My own gut feeling is that it's not important to allow parentheses on "bare" (from-less) imports, since you can easily repeat the 'import' keyword on a new line;
It might not be strictly necessary, but for consistency I think it should be alllowed.
Unless other support is forthcoming, this won't happen.
By the way, rather than parentheses, I would prefer to be able to simply end the line with a comma and continue on to the next line:
from Bubble import foo, spam, tomato, grail, arthur, camembert
Rejected earlier on parsing grounds. I've updated the PEP. -- Aahz (aahz@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/ "To me vi is Zen. To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated. You discover truth everytime you use it." --reddy@lion.austin.ibm.com