Trent Mick <trentm <at> ActiveState.com> writes:
[Thomas Heller wrote]
Anyway, AFAIK, the activestate distribution contains Python debug dlls.
[Er, a month late, but I was in flitting around Australia at the time. :)]
Yes, as a separate download.
ftp://ftp.activestate.com/ActivePython/etc/ ActivePython-<version>-win32-ix86-debug.zip
And those should be binary compatible with the equivalent python.org installs as well. Note that the simple "install.py" script in those packages bails if the Python installation isn't ActivePython, but I could easily remove that if you think that would be useful for your users.
The only problem here is that there appears to be a lag in the release of ActivePython after Python itself is released. Is there any chance of putting up just the debugging libraries a little earlier? Thanks again, Dave