I've updated imputil... The main changes is that I added SysPathImporter and BuiltinImporter. I also did some restructing to help with bootstrapping the module (remove dependence on os.py). For testing a revamped Python import system, you can importing the thing and call imputil._test_revamp() to set it up. This will load normal, builtin, and frozen modules via imputil. Dynamic modules are still handled by Python, however. I ran a timing comparisons of importing all modules in /usr/lib/python1.5 (using standard and imputil-based importing). The standard mechanism can do it in about 8.8 seconds. Through imputil, it does it in about 13.0 seconds. Note that I haven't profiled/optimized any of the Importer stuff (yet). The point about dynamic modules actually discovered a basic problem that I need to resolve now. The current imputil assumes that if a particular Importer loaded the top-level module in a package, then that Importer is responsible for loading all other modules within that package. In my particular test, I tried to import "xml.parsers.pyexpat". The two package modules were handled by SysPathImporter. The pyexpat module is a dynamic load module, so it is *not* handled by the Importer -- bam. Failure. Basically, each part of "xml.parsers.pyexpat" may need to use a different Importer... Off to ponder, -g -- Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/