"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
One thing I'd suugest is to include some way to delete and update contents, e.g. the write() method should overwrite any existing entry in the archive (if it not already does -- I haven't tested it, just read the code and it seems to raise an exception), plus maybe a .remove() method which deletes an entry.
Currently, adding a file requires the "a" append mode, while the "w" mode re-writes the file. Adding a duplicate file name produces an error message. I can change this, but removing a file would either waste space, or else the file contents must be copied over the old file and all the offsets updated. I don't like this because it is complicated, and I think it is fast enough to just re-write the archive. But it could be added if people want.
I guess it would be ok to waste space. You could provide a .cleanup() or .rewrite() method that takes care of reorganizing the file to fill up the gaps.
True. How about making the compression argument mandatory for file opened in 'wb' mode only ?
The default of zero provides a little guidance that you should use zero. I added a warning message if 8 is used which should discourage people from using 8. Or I could disallow 8. Is that OK?
Well the module seems to work just fine with compression on, so disallowing it or issuing a warning would reduce its value, IMHO. How about making compression a boolean value and then converting any true value to 8 ? -- Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Y2000: 11 days left Business: http://www.lemburg.com/ Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/