as for your other errors (still on Win95, MSVC 5.0):
- test_mmap one liner: test test_mmap crashed -- exceptions.WindowsError : [Errno 6] The handle is invalid
same here (but a different error code?)
- test_posixpath one liner: test test_posixpath failed -- Writing: 'error!', expected: 'No err'
- test_re one liner: test test_re failed -- Writing: '=== Failed incorrectly', expected: "('abc', 'abc', 0, 'fou"
nope. but are you sure you've updated the output directory lately? the "=== Failed incorrectly" part is expected, the abc stuff is not.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "..\Lib\test\test_re.py", line 122, in ? raise TestFailed, "symbolic reference" test_support.TestFailed: symbolic reference
- test_sre one liner: test test_sre failed -- Writing: '=== Failed incorrectly', expected: "===grouping error ('("
nope. but again, the expected stuff looks wrong.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "..\Lib\test\test_sre.py", line 124, in ? raise TestFailed, "symbolic reference" test_support.TestFailed: symbolic reference
- test_userstring one liner: test test_userstring failed -- Writing: "'a'", expected: ''
nope -- but the output indicates that you're testing against an old copy of UserString.py
- test_winreg one liner: test test_winreg failed -- Unread: '\012'
- test_winreg2 (crashes) full output: Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread
abnormal program termination
almost. I got other interesting errors when I had an old winreg.pyd in the path. if I remove that one, the test runs, prints HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, and then starts consuming 99.99% CPU (not sure if it terminates; I need my cycles for more important stuff...) </F>