On behalf of the steering council, I am happy to announce that as BDFL-Delegate I am
accepting PEP 626 -- Precise line numbers for debugging and other tools.
I am confident this PEP will result in a better experience for debuggers, profilers and tools
that rely on tracing functions. All the existing concerns regarding out-of-process debuggers
and profilers have been addressed by Mark in the latest version of the PEP. The acceptance of
the PEP comes with the following requests:

* The PEP must be updated to explicitly state that the API functions described in the
   "Out of process debuggers and profilers" must remain self-contained in any potential
    future modifications or enhancements.
* The PEP states that the "f_lineno" attribute of the code object will be updated to point to 
   the current line being executed even if tracing is off. Also, there were some folks concerned with
   possible performance implications. Although in my view there is no reason to think this will impact
   performance negatively, I would like us to confirm that indeed this is the case before merging the
   implementation (with the pyperformance test suite, for example).

Congratulations Mark Shannon!

Thanks also to everyone else who provided feedback on this PEP!

Regards from rainy London,
Pablo Galindo Salgado