On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 2:21 PM Carl Shapiro <carl.shapiro@gmail.com> wrote:
While this PEP may not create a maintenance burden for CPython, it does have the effect of raising the complexity bar for an alternative Python implementation.
FWIW, I did reach out to the various major Python implementation about this and got a favorable response. See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0554/#alternate-python-implementations
A thought that may have already been mentioned elsewhere: perhaps the PEP could be more made more acceptable by de-scoping it to expose a minimal set of C-API hooks to enable third-party libraries for the sub-interpreter feature rather than providing that feature in the standard library?
Note that the low-level implementation of PEP 554 is an extension module that only uses the public C-API (no "internal" C-API). So all the hooks are already there. Or did I misunderstand? -eric