2009/3/18 Arc Riley <arcriley@gmail.com>:
Hey guys/gals
Thanks for organizing this!
Summer of Code is ramping up. Every year the common complaint is that not enough Python core projects get proposed by students, and of course a big reason for that is often the only encouragement we offer prospective students is a link to the PEP index.
Well, there's a list of core projects on the wiki if remember correctly.
I've seen and heard that a lot of work is still needed on http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk both during the 3.1 release cycle, optimization possible all over the place. It'd be great if those of you working closely with this can shout out some ideas, brainstorm a bit.
(Just so you know, 3.1 is in http://svn.python.org/view/python/branches/py3k) 3.1 is scheduled to be released in June, so that's probably too early for projects now. Of course, that doesn't take them out of the running for 3.2. One project I can think of off the top of my head is integrating ABCs further into the interpreter (optimizing and probably rewriting the abc module in C), so that C code can make use of them. While working on the core is admirable, I think gsoc would provide an opportunity to port important Python libraries to 3.x. It's important to remember that doing ports helps the core immensely by uncovering 2to3 and py3k bugs. -- Regards, Benjamin