On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Steve Holden <steve@holdenweb.com> wrote:
Greg Ewing wrote:
Adam Olsen wrote:
Such a division would make it unnecessarily hard to find documentation on True, False, None, etc. They've become keywords for pragmatic purposes (to prevent accidental modification), not because we think they ideally should be syntax instead of builtins.
Maybe the solution is to rename the Library Reference to the Class and Module Reference or something like that.
Although DRY is fine as a programming principle, it fails for pedagogic purposes. We should therefore be prepared to repeat the same material in different contexts (hopefully by including some common documentation source rather than laborious and error-prone copy-and-paste).
Document things where people expect to find them. (Now *there's* a usability study screaming to be done ... and SoC is coming up).
Python's usage of import makes it clear when something is imported from a library, as opposed to being an integral part of the language. To me, this is an obvious basis on whether to look in the language reference or in the stdlib reference. That said, it would be useful to also have a link for major builtin types in the stdlib section, if only for people who learned to look for them there. -- Adam Olsen, aka Rhamphoryncus