Thomas> 222150 - Thomas> 11676 http://radiodiscuss.userland.com/myUserLandOnTheDesktop Thomas> 551 http://frontier.userland.com/xmlAggregator Thomas> 3 http://www.xmltree.com/dir/viewResource.html?urlID=25170 Thomas> 1 http://www.python.org/~thomas/wwwstats.new/usage_200109.html#TOPURLS Thomas> The topmost one is 'no referrer' and are probably all bookmarks Thomas> and 'channels' and stuff. My guess is that almost nobody has channews.rdf bookmarked since it's not intended for human consumption. The large no-referrer count indicates there are indeed lots of servers grabbing the rdf file and using it to update news items on their own websites. My guess is that many of these "channel servers" probably detect that channews.rdf has not been updated recently, so they will back off on their check frequency until they notice it changing again. Skip