March 31, 2000
8:16 p.m.
Fredrik Lundh writes:
btw, "pattern" doesn't make much sense in SRE -- who says the pattern object was created by re.compile? guess I'll just set it to None in other cases (e.g. sregex, sreverb, sgema...)
Good point; I can imagine fabulously complex patterns assembled programmatically, for which no summary could be made. I guess there could be another attribute that also gives the class (module? function?) used to compile the pattern, but more likely, the pattern attribute should be deprecated and eventually dropped. -- A.M. Kuchling http://starship.python.net/crew/amk/ You know how she is when she gets an idea into her head. I mean, when one finally penetrates. -- Desire describes Delirium, in SANDMAN #41: "Brief Lives:1"