Hum, maybe I did not explain myself correctly and I don't want a misunderstanding: I never meant "let's create a SourceForge-like tool, SourceForge is bad", but only "why not host a python specific service using the SourceForge code and tools", as does for projects related to bio-ingeneering.
Why not indeed? Why spend time running a service that SourceForge is already providing, and very well at that? This has come up occasionally at BeOpen but the only argument for it that was ever brought up (by the marketing folks, of course :-) was the hope that it would help sell banner ads -- not that there would be an advantage for the community. What would be the advantage for the community or running our own? What's wrong with using SourceForge? I say, if it ain't broke don't fix it. (And then again, there may be a very good reason to run our own, and maybe I just don't see it. :-) --Guido van Rossum (home page: