Sorry that I dropped the ball on this. I'd still like to see this get implemented, but I got distracted with school and forgot about it. Updates I have made to the PEP will be sent as a patch immediately after this email. Here's a summary of what was happenening when we left off: * The draft SVN version from March 4 was pretty much complete. * Some were concerned about addressing Windows, but it was generally agreed to leave the Windows issue to another PEP. PEP 397 was started on March 15 to address the Windows side of the issue. PEP 397 recommends that the Windows Python launcher read the shebang and use it to determine which Python version to use; this allows one syntax for both operating systems that is compatible with the current PEP 394 recommendation. * There were concerns from Ned Deily about the naming of other binaries such as idle, pydoc, and python-config; these need to be created as idle2, pydoc2, and python2-config, with links created at the locations of the original binaries. * There were concerns from Glenn Linderman that the shebang line doesn't encode enough information to flexibly handle Windows launching (or even launching in general). ==== Here are my thoughts: * For Ned's comments, I agree. Although the issue isn't as large with these programs, there's no reason we can't handle them in the same way. I updated the PEP. * For Glenn's comments, I think the method you propose adds too much complexity. Regardless, if the #@ syntax is implemented, it can be described in PEP 397; it won't have an impact on the contents of this PEP. I think, though, that having multiple syntaxes may cause many scripts to be incompatible with multiple platforms when they don't have to be, since Unix coders will rarely add a #@ line, and Windows coders will likely forget the #! line. Also, #@ really ignores the purpose of a shebang: shebangs simply indicate an interpreter that works with the script; the shebang allows users to run arbitrary scripts without worrying about which interpreter they should specify. There's no reason that a script should use one interpreter on Unix, but be incompatible with that interpreter on Windows yet compatible with another. The name of the Unix binary is enough to determine the implementation and version of the interpreter to be used on Unix, and a Windows launcher should always invoke the same implementation/version on Windows (and this won't require hard-coding anything into the launcher if done right). If you want the script to run with a specific interpreter and version, possibly contingent on which operating system you're running the script under, then you can just invoke the interpreter by name with the script as an argument (e.g. python3 TL;DR: shebangs encode a default implementation/version, and if you need something special, you can just manually run python3 or use a .bat file. ==== Also, I updated the PEP with the clarification that commands like python3 should be hard links (because they'll be invoked from code and are more efficient; also, hard links are just as flexible as symlinks here), while commands like python should be soft links (because this makes it clear to sysadmins that they can be "switched", and it's needed for flexibility if python3 changes). This really doesn't matter, but can we keep it this way unless there are serious objections? Regards, Kerrick Staley