On 8 Aug 2013 02:48, "Larry Hastings" <larry@hastings.org> wrote:
> On 08/05/2013 09:59 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>> ___________________________________________________________________
>>> Question 2: Emit code for modules and classes?
>>> [...] Originally Clinic didn't ask for full class and module information, you just
>>> specified the full dotted path and that was that.  But that's ambiguous;
>>> Clinic wouldn't be able to infer what was a module vs what was a class.  And
>>> in the future, if/when it generates module and class boilerplate, obviously
>>> it'll need to know the distinction. [...]
>> Note that setuptools entry point syntax solves the namespace ambiguity
>> problem by using ":" to separate the module name from the object's
>> name within the module (the nost test runner does the same thing). I'm
>> adopting that convention for the PEP 426 metadata, and it's probably
>> appropriate as a concise notation for clinic as well.
> So you're proposing that xml.etree.ElementTree.dump() be written as "xml.etree:ElementTree.dump", and datetime.datetime.now() be written as "datetime:datetime.now"?  And presumably *not* specifying a colon as part of the name would be an error.

Assuming there's no way to tell argument clinic all the functions and classes in a given C file belong to the same module, then yes, you would need the colon in every name to indicate the module portion.

>>> ___________________________________________________________________
>>> Question 5: Keep too-magical class decorator Converter.wrap?
>> You misunderstand me: I believe a class decorator is the *wrong
>> solution*. I am saying Converter.wrap *shouldn't exist*, and that the
>> logic for what it does should be directly in Converter.__init__.
> Well, nobody liked it, everybody hated it, so I'll go with what you proposed, though with the name converter_init() for the custom converter init function.

My future code-reading self thanks you :)


> /arry