I'm interested in how builtins could be more efficient. I've read over some of the PEPs having to do with making global variables more efficient (search for "global"): http://www.python.org/doc/essays/pepparade.html But I think the problem can be simplified by focusing strictly on builtins. One of my assumptions is that only a small fractions of modules override the default builtins with something like: import mybuiltins __builtins__ = mybuiltins As you probably know each access of a builtin requires two hash table lookups. First, the builtin is not found in the list of globals. It is then found in the list of builtins. Why not have a means of referencing the default builtins with some sort of index the way the LOAD_FAST op code currently works? In other words, by default each module gets the default set of builtins indexed (where the index indexes into an array) in a certain order. The version stored in the pyc file would be bumped each time the set of default builtins is changed. I don't have very strong feelings whether things like True = (1 == 1) would be a syntax error, but assigning to a builtin could just do the equivalent of STORE_FAST. I also don't have very strong feelings about whether the array of default builtins would be shared between modules. To simulate the current behavior where attempting to assign to builtin actually alters that module's global hashtable a separate array of builtins could be used for each module. As to assigning to __builtins__ (like I mentioned at the beginning of this post) perhaps it could assign to the builtin array for those items that have a name that matches a default builtin (such as "True" or "len"). Those items that don't match a default builtin would just create global variables. Perhaps what I'm suggesting isn't feasible for reasons that have already been discussed. But it seems like it should be possible to make "while True" as efficient as "while 1". -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Steven Elliott | selliott4@austin.rr.com | -----------------------------------------------------------------------