Finn Bock wrote:
Why can't .py be allowed? If a more recent .py[co] (or $py.class) exists, it is used. Otherwise the .py file is compiled and discarded when the process ends. Sure, it is slower, but a zip files with only .py[co] entries would be of little use with jython.
The *.py are allowed to be in the file, and jpython can use them. In fact, any files at all can be in the archive. It is just that C-Python ignores them. My reason was that if *.py[co] are missing or out of date, zip importing will be slow and users won't figure out what is wrong. But I am open to changing this.
Just as sys.path currently has default directory names, default A standard for this would be really cool.
Yes, lets make a standard now.
So python packages and modules can exists *only* at the top level? That would conflict somewhat with jython where at would be common to put python modules into the same .zip file as java classes and java classes also wants to own the root of a zip file.
In the current implementaion in jython, we can put python modules under any path and add the zipfile!path to sys.path:
which will look for Lib/Q/R/modfoo.py (and Lib/Q/R/modfoo$py.class) in the archive.
I am confused. Zip archives are equivalant to subdirectories, so there is no requirement to have anything at the top level. Your example seems to imply a second search path besides sys.path. BTW, the code uses ".zip" as the archive flag, not a special character '!'.
[I found efficiency hard to achieve in jython because opening a zipfile in java also cause the zip index to be read into a dictionary. So we did not want to reopen a zipfile if it can be avoided. Instead we hide a reference to the opened file in sys.path so that when removing a zipfile name from sys.path, the file is eventually closed.]
Would entries in the static python dict be removed when a zipfile is removed from sys.path?
No, entries would not be removed. But they would not be found either, because their names would not be generated from the new sys.path.
What is the __path__ vrbl set to in a module imported from a zipfile? Can the module make changes to __path__ and will be changes to used when importing submodules?
What value should __file__ have?
The __file__ is /A/B/archive.zip/name.py. There is no special code for __file__ nor __path__, the path name just has a ".zip" in it. JimA