[Tim Peters]
I don't propose to automate this. I propose this:
try: import threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as threading
[Brett Cannon]
Do you prefer I do a separate ``dummy_threading`` module or follow Martin's suggestions and just turn ``dummy_thread`` into a ``threading`` substitute itself?
Looking at his code, I think it's clear he wants a separate
and nothing fancier than that. The idiomatic use would be as shown, where a user who knows what they're doing can import dummy_threading (if desired) and *name* it threading locally themself (if desired). No existing code could break, except for users who already have a file named dummy_threading.py on their PYTHONPATH somewhere after the std library.
OK. Then I will just whip together the module (most likely following Martin's correction of my previous from-the-cuff idea on how to do it) and add it to the patch. So if anyone was planning on reviewing the patch, please hold off. I will email the list again once I have the module and the patches regenerated (although someone can go ahead and delete all the files in the patch; I will just put all the files up anew since practically all of them will change). -Brett