Barry Warsaw <barry@python.org> writes:
Do you have concrete examples? Without that it's just speculation I can't do much to address. Is the problem big or small? Easy to work around or not?
Some of the things that need to be adapted are e.g. Makefiles (basically anything that assumes modules have a certain name), all of the freezers (cxFreeze, py2exe, ...). The biggest problem probably will be that an import will load the wrong module or no module at all. I'm just speculating here...
"Change is bad" isn't a constructive argument. ;)
Did I make that argument?
That's fine, but it's not the way Debian/Ubuntu works today. PEP 3149 adoption will definitely remove significant complication for deploying multiple Python versions at the same time on those systems.
You're just moving that complication into python. - Ralf