>> I agree. Any expression bracketed by '[' and ']', no matter how many >> other clues to the ultimate result it might contain, ought to result >> in a list as far as I'm concerned. Alex> Hmmm, how is, e.g. Alex> foo[x*x for x in bar] Alex> any more an "expression bracketed by [ and ]" than, say, Alex> foo = {'wot': 'tow'} Alex> foo['wot'] Alex> ...? When I said "expression bracketed by '[' and ']' I agree I was thinking of list construction sorts of things like: foo = ['wot'] not indexing sorts of things like: foo['wot'] I'm not in a mood to try and explain anything in more precise terms this morning (for other reasons, it's been a piss poor day so far) and must trust your ability to infer my meaning. I have no idea at this point how to interpret foo[x*x for x in bar] That looks like a syntax error to me. You have a probably identifier followed by a list comprehension. Here's a slightly more precise term: If a '['...']' construct exists in context where a list constructor would be legal today, it ought to evaluate to a list, not to something else. Alex> ... just as e.g. foo[ 'va':23:2j, {'zip':'zop'}:45:(3,4) ] ... I have absolutely no idea how to interpret this. Is this existing or proposed Python syntax? Skip