Fredrik Lundh wrote:
James C. Ahlstrom <jim@interet.com> wrote:
IMHO putting shared libs in an archive is a bad idea because the OS
Dear Fredrik, I thought the point of Python-Dev was to propose designs and get feedback, right? Well, I got feedback :-). OK, I agree to alter my archive format so it provides the ability to store shared libs and not just *.pyd. I will add the string length and if needed a flag indicating the name is a shared lib. Now the details:
have you tried it? if not, why do you think you should be allowed to forbid others from doing it?
Yes I have tried it, and I am currently on my fourth version of an archive format which is based on formats by Greg Stein and Gordon McMillan. I hope it meets with the favor of the Grand Inquisition, and becomes the standard format. But maybe it won't. Oh well.
bloody installers. and here you are advocating that we all should be forced to use installers, when python makes it trivial to write self-installing apps. double-argh!
I am not forcing anyone to do anything, only proposing that shared libs are best handled directly by imputil and not the class within imputil which handles archive files. It is just a geeky design issue, nothing more. JimA