Aug. 1, 2000
2:57 a.m.
[Greg Ewing]
Seems like we need another function that does something in between str() and repr(). It would be just like repr() except that it wouldn't put escape sequences in strings unless absolutely necessary, and it would apply this recursively to sub-objects.
Not sure what to call it -- goofy() perhaps :-)
In the previous incarnation of this debate, a related (more str-like than repr-like) intermediate was named ssctsoos(). Meaning, of course <wink>, "str() special casing the snot out of strings". It was purely a hack, and I was too busy working at Dragon at the time to give it the thought it needed. Now I'm too busy working at PythonLabs <0.5 wink>. not-a-priority-ly y'rs - tim