"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
"James C. Ahlstrom" wrote:
I just changed zipfile.py so that regular zip compression works. And if zlib is available, its crc32() is used instead of the Python version.
I should mention that the current code rejects zip files which have an archive comment added to the end. Accepting them would require a search, and I am not sure it is worth it.
I don't think it is needed for our purposes, but maybe a subclass could provide it ? FYI, I've tested the module against mxStack-0.3.0.zip which you can find on my Python Pages. It was created using Info-ZIP's zip 2.2 on Linux. Unfortunately, I always get the following traceback when trying to print the directory:
z.open('../projects/distribution/mxStack-0.3.0.zip','rb') z.dir() File Name Modified Size Stack/mxStack/mxStack.h 1999-04-16 10:50:06 4368 Stack/mxStack/mxstdlib.h 1999-04-13 15:37:52 5433 Traceback (innermost last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "/home/lemburg/lib/zipfile.py", line 120, in dir bytes = self.read(name) # Just to check CRC-32 File "/home/lemburg/lib/zipfile.py", line 133, in read bytes = zlib.decompress(bytes, -15) zlib.error: Error -5 while decompressing data
Some notes on the API: ---------------------- * I would find it more convenient if the filename and mode would be constructor parameters, e.g. zfile = zipfile('myfile.zip','rb') with compression defaulting to 8 rather than 0 (most zip files will be deflated since this is the ZIP default). * Also, I would like a method much like the os.listdir() which returns a list of filenames rather than print it to stdout. * .is_zipfile() should probably be a separate function: it doesn't use any of the class' features. More wishes to come ;-) So far: Great Work ! Aside: I found that you are using undocumented arguments to zlib.compressobj() ... are these extra arguments left out of the documentation on purpose or by simple oversight ? I couldn't find them in the HTML docs and neither in the docstrings. -- Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Y2000: 15 days left Business: http://www.lemburg.com/ Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/