In support of the argument that bad literals should raise ValueError (or a derived exception) rather than SyntaxError, Guido once said:
"Problems with literal interpretations traditionally raise 'runtime' exceptions rather than syntax errors."
This is currently true of overflowing integers and string literals, and hence it has also been so implemented for Unicode literals. But i want to propose a break with tradition, because some more recent thinking on this has led me to become firmly convinced that SyntaxError is really the right thing to do in all of these cases. The strongest reason is that a long file with a typo in a string literal somewhere in hundreds of lines of code generates only ValueError: invalid \x escape with no indication to where the error is -- not even which file! I realize this could be hacked upon and fixed, but i think it points to a general inconsistency that ought to be considered and addressed. 1. SyntaxErrors are for compile-time errors. A problem with a literal happens before the program starts running, and it is useful for me, as the programmer, to know whether the error occurred because of some computational process, possibly depending on inputs, or whether it's a permanent mistake that's literally in my source code. In other words, will a debugger do me any good? 2. SyntaxErrors pinpoint the exact location of the problem. In principle, an error is a SyntaxError if and only if you can point to an exact character position as being the cause of the problem. 3. A ValueError means "i got a value that wasn't allowed or expected here". That is not at all what is happening. There is *no* defined value at all. It's not that there was a value and it was wrong -- the value was never even brought into existence. 4. The current implementation of ValueErrors is very unhelpful about what to do about an invalid literal, as explained in the example above. A SyntaxError would be much more useful. I hope you will agree with me that solving only #4 by changing ValueErrors so they behave a little more like SyntaxErrors in certain particular situations isn't the best solution. Also, switching to SyntaxError is likely to break very few things. You can't depend on catching a SyntaxError, precisely because it's a compile-time error. No one could possibly be using "except ValueError" to try to catch invalid literals in their code; that usage, just like "except SyntaxError:", makes sense only when someone is using "eval" or "exec" to interpret code that was generated or read from input. In fact, i bet switching to SyntaxError would actually make some code of the form "try: eval ... except SyntaxError" work better, since the single except clause would catch all possible compilation problems with the input to eval. -- ?!ng Happiness comes more from loving than being loved; and often when our affection seems wounded it is is only our vanity bleeding. To love, and to be hurt often, and to love again--this is the brave and happy life. -- J. E. Buchrose